
Showing posts from June, 2011

My Emotions.

I'm going back to college later this evening. I'm feeling....

Bad News.

This is the baddest news of all time. We, the business students are moving to Mergong campus starting this sem. I. DON'T. WANT. TO. GO. ANYWHERE. I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO!!!!! UGH! This only means one thing. One thing that hurts. And it's going to be hell. I won't be able to see him like I used to. The pain is unbearable, OMG. I can't imagine life without seeing him. WHY CAN'T THINGS STAY THE SAME? WHY MUST THEY CHANGE? WHYYYYY????!!! I just wanna be happy for the last time. This is my last sem.. I just want to enjoy it. But fate didn't want me to have it. It's okay. I'll get over it some day. Redha is all I have to do now. Tho it's really painful. Idk if I'm strong enough for this. :'( After a second thought... Another 4 months before I finished with college. 4 months of studying, to crack open my brain. 4 months of not seeing him constantly, only occasionally. 4 months are not that long. I can get thru this. Yes, I can. I just need to fo...

Andra's 1st Birthday.

Wohoo!! My baby boo turned ONE today! HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY, ANDRA RAIMI! You are loved by all of us. Jangan nakal2, okay. Kurangkan buas tu. Gigi tolong tumbuh banyak lagi. Kurangkan menjerit. Jangan banyak memanjat. Belajar camna nak duduk diam. Baca buku tu, jangan asyik main je. Belajar berdikari, jangan asyik nak memerap dengan mama & abah. xD Birthday boy!

The Last Day.

Andra, taking a bath. ;) Today was the last day kitorang kat Senawang. Before balik Penang, kitorang singgah rumah Pak Andak dulu. We had lunch there. Everything was fine. Andra was having fun. Masa aku teman Kak Ina ambil pampers Andra from the car, aku ditegur oleh sepasang tourist ni. They asked me how to get to KL Central. I don't know so I simply said, "I'm not sure cuz I'm not from here.. Sorry.." Then I smiled, they smiled. :) I think they are Japanese or Korean based on their looks. Cool! Kitorang bertolak balik Penang around 4pm. Had 2 hours of sleep in the car. Then berhenti kat R&R Bukit Gantang, had dinner then sambung perjalanan. Arrived home around 7.30pm. It was pretty tiring, but fun. :) The End. (PS: Andra is celebrating his 1st birthday tomorrow....)

Nenek, Ohhhh Nenek.

Yesterday, right after the wedding, we went straight to Senawang to visit my granmama yang dah lama aku tak jumpa. Dah pindah rumah baru.. Depan McD woo.. :) Sampai sana around 6pm. The first question yang my granmama tanya, "Mana boyfriend??" I was like.. "Sejak bila aku ada boyfriend nih???" =,= Was so tired so I managed to take a short nap. If Andra tak kacau me sleeping, I'd probably tidur until malam. Andra was all hyper &... ..masa kat sana. Dia memang selalu camtu. Kat rumah paksu semalam pun camtu jugak. Haish. That night, Mak Long came with Umai & Jufri. Andra kena buli dengan Umai. Tapi dia melawan. Good boy! ;D Malam tu, kitorang ramai2 tidur kat ruang tamu. Lapik tilam semua. Andra slept beside me. Buas betul budak tu. =__=

Faidz & Denok: The Continuation.

Arrived in KL around 1.30am. Stayed at Paksu's house. Everyone was already asleep upon our arrival. We were all so sleepy, except for Andra who got fascinated by the 'big brother bear'. LOL. It took almost an hour to made him go to sleep. I went to sleep around 2.30am. Slept for 4 hours before waking up at 6.30am. Andra woke me up. Shiiiiiiese! =___= Had breakfast at 7-something am. Woah! An early kick start for me. Maksu made some pancakes which I think were the best. I ate 3 pancakes w/ honey & a cheese sandwich. Then, I read the newspaper, watched some TV before getting ready for the wedding around 9am or so cuz we need to be at the wedding hall at 11am. We arrived at the hall around 10.30am. Ate mee goreng. Yeah, it was the morning where I had a lot of breakfast. lol.. Hurm, I had fun at the wedding. I managed to do some stalking, haha. Won't tell ya who I was stalking during the wedding, though. ;) I'm bad at choosing the right words, so I'm gonna let t...

KL Trip.

Friday night, at 8pm, me, my parents, my sis-in-law & my nephew bertolak ke KL. We're attending my cousin's wedding reception which was gonna be held on the next day.. Nothing much happened. Was sleeping most of the time. Had supper at 11pm. ate 2 cheese sandwiches, a plate of nasi lemak & orange juice. Bought Skittles as well. I missed the final of Maharaja Lawak. Bummer. :(

The Stage Is Waiting.

The full lineup for MTV World Stage has been announced. It's all joy for me. Because NEON TREES ARE JOINING 30 SECONDS TO MARS, YAY! I knew it! Ever since the first day, I always knew that Neon Trees will be joining in. Idk why or how, but the feelings were there. The intuition. =D The slightly bad thing is, the "most famous" Kpop band, Beast are joining in as well. Blergh. I dislike Kpop very much. I don't hate it, I DISLIKE it. =,= So I hope Beast will be the first to perform, then Pop Shuvit, then Neon Trees & the last one would be the headliner band, 30 STM. Woohoo! Can't fucking wait! :) I will go this time, I wouldn't miss it for anything. Seeing 30 STM live is like one of my life's mission. I want it to be accomplished ASAP, while I'm still breathing. My parents can't say "no" because I already have the ticket. Syu has agreed to give one to me. Thanks, Syu! (I wanted to call her "Kak Syu", but I think she wouldn'...

Can't. Wait.

I'll be seeing 30 Seconds to Mars on July 24. ASDFGHJKL! CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER! I LOVE 30 SECONDS TO MARS!! (I'll tell you more about it cuz right now, I'm too lazy to

Best Friend Is Forever.

I have a friend. Not just a friend, not an ordinary one. I have a 'best friend forever' that I'll keep till the very last day if my life. His name is Mohd Iqbal b Mohd Azami. Yes, my BFF is a HE. Now who says a girl & a boy CAN'T be best friends? We've proved you wrong. We're so close. Maybe a little too close my parents thought we're dating. HAHA. And I don't even bother to deny. Why? Because no one understands the kind of relationship we're having. When I said that we're 'just BFFs', people would say, "Ye ke...? Tak percaya lah!" That makes me sick. So sick of explaining, so I just sit there and say nothing. We've been friends since 2001, when we were both 10 years old. So technically, we've been friends for TEN FUCKING YEARS. Ko ada?? =p We've known each other so freakin' well we could tell if one of us is upset / happy or anything. We've known each other we no longer feeling shy. I mean, we could talk...

The Last One.

My life is coming to an end. My life is going to be over in less than a month. My life's gonna be over on July 14. Literally. Harry Potter. Yes, the book.. The movie.. One of my obsessions.. Is coming to an end. The second part of the last movie comes out on July 14. I have less than a month to go. It's my new source of tears. I got teary-eyed everytime I watched the trailer. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I can't accept the fact that there will be no more Harry Potter movie after this one. No more Hermoine, no more Ron, no more Voldermort. No more. ;( There are times that I KNOW I'm gonna cry like a little child when I watch the movie. I'm gonna cry when... 1. Fred died. 2. Tonks & Remus died. 3. Snape died. 4. James, Lily & Sirius 'came back' to Harry in the form of spirits to be with him during his fight with Voldermort. 5. The credits rolling... Yes, definitely. Lily’s smile was widest of all. She pushed her long hair back as she drew close to him, and her...

Just Another Friday.

Started the day with an amazing news. Asfar won himself passes to MTV World Stage, y'all!! WOOT WOOT! Fuckin' happy for him!! xD I was like.... I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE SEEING 30 SECONDS TO MARS TOGETHER!!!! xD Then at night, I watched Maharaja Lawak, as I always do on every Friday. Jozan was THE best! I can't stop laughing! Ooh, btw. We're going to KL next week. Andra will go with us too. Freaking excited! Woo, can't wait! =D

Going Back To College.

HELL NO! I AM NOT READY TO GO BACK! ;_______; I received a letter from college today. When I read it, I was like.. Kena daftar masuk balik 1 July. THE FUCK? Hari tu bukan kata 3 July kaaa???? ARGH!!! AKU TAK PUAS CUTI LAGI LAAAAHHH! When thinking of going back to college.... The thought of it makes me want to... On the outside, I was like... But on the inside, I felt like... I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO COLLEGE! NO NO NO NO!