Best Friend Is Forever.

I have a friend. Not just a friend, not an ordinary one. I have a 'best friend forever' that I'll keep till the very last day if my life. His name is Mohd Iqbal b Mohd Azami. Yes, my BFF is a HE. Now who says a girl & a boy CAN'T be best friends? We've proved you wrong. We're so close. Maybe a little too close my parents thought we're dating. HAHA. And I don't even bother to deny. Why? Because no one understands the kind of relationship we're having. When I said that we're 'just BFFs', people would say, "Ye ke...? Tak percaya lah!" That makes me sick. So sick of explaining, so I just sit there and say nothing. We've been friends since 2001, when we were both 10 years old. So technically, we've been friends for TEN FUCKING YEARS. Ko ada?? =p We've known each other so freakin' well we could tell if one of us is upset / happy or anything. We've known each other we no longer feeling shy. I mean, we could talk about anything, everything in this world, Boys stuff, girls stuff, you name it. Been there, done that. xD I'm pretty sure he knows every single thing about me, and I have no problem with that. I know that he'll keep my secrets deep in his brain, not a single mind reader can read. xP I'll do the same for him. =) Duude! I love my BFF so much I don't know what will I do if he's not around. I'd go crazy, that's for sure.

(PS to my future boyfriend / hubby: If you really wanna be with me, the first thing you gotta do is to accept the unique relationship I'm having with my BFF. He's on the top of my priority list, you'd be second. You'd only be the first AFTER you and I become one. You understand that?? Good.)
And I meant every word I said.