The Last Day.

Andra, taking a bath. ;)

Today was the last day kitorang kat Senawang. Before balik Penang, kitorang singgah rumah Pak Andak dulu. We had lunch there. Everything was fine. Andra was having fun. Masa aku teman Kak Ina ambil pampers Andra from the car, aku ditegur oleh sepasang tourist ni. They asked me how to get to KL Central. I don't know so I simply said, "I'm not sure cuz I'm not from here.. Sorry.." Then I smiled, they smiled. :) I think they are Japanese or Korean based on their looks. Cool! Kitorang bertolak balik Penang around 4pm. Had 2 hours of sleep in the car. Then berhenti kat R&R Bukit Gantang, had dinner then sambung perjalanan. Arrived home around 7.30pm. It was pretty tiring, but fun. :)

The End.

(PS: Andra is celebrating his 1st birthday tomorrow....)


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