The Stage Is Waiting.

The full lineup for MTV World Stage has been announced. It's all joy for me. Because NEON TREES ARE JOINING 30 SECONDS TO MARS, YAY! I knew it! Ever since the first day, I always knew that Neon Trees will be joining in. Idk why or how, but the feelings were there. The intuition. =D The slightly bad thing is, the "most famous" Kpop band, Beast are joining in as well. Blergh. I dislike Kpop very much. I don't hate it, I DISLIKE it. =,= So I hope Beast will be the first to perform, then Pop Shuvit, then Neon Trees & the last one would be the headliner band, 30 STM. Woohoo! Can't fucking wait! :) I will go this time, I wouldn't miss it for anything. Seeing 30 STM live is like one of my life's mission. I want it to be accomplished ASAP, while I'm still breathing. My parents can't say "no" because I already have the ticket. Syu has agreed to give one to me. Thanks, Syu! (I wanted to call her "Kak Syu", but I think she wouldn't like it. So..) =D Oh, and Neon Trees are like the bonus for me. I like them very much. I even made an entry about them a while ago. Here. =) I really like the idea of having 30STM & NT on the same stage. Simply because they once toured together, some time in last year. They'll be sharing the same stage again. COOL!

Tyler Glenn & Jared Leto
I seeeeeeeriouslyyyy cannot wait to see these crazy men in action. xD