The Last One.

My life is coming to an end. My life is going to be over in less than a month. My life's gonna be over on July 14.



Harry Potter. Yes, the book.. The movie.. One of my obsessions.. Is coming to an end. The second part of the last movie comes out on July 14. I have less than a month to go. It's my new source of tears. I got teary-eyed everytime I watched the trailer. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I can't accept the fact that there will be no more Harry Potter movie after this one. No more Hermoine, no more Ron, no more Voldermort. No more. ;(

There are times that I KNOW I'm gonna cry like a little child when I watch the movie. I'm gonna cry when...

1. Fred died.
2. Tonks & Remus died.
3. Snape died.
4. James, Lily & Sirius 'came back' to Harry in the form of spirits to be with him during his fight with Voldermort.
5. The credits rolling...

Yes, definitely.



Lily’s smile was widest of all. She pushed her long hair back as she drew close to him, and her green eyes, so like his, searched his face hungrily, as though she would never be able to look at him enough. “You’ve been so brave.” He could not speak. His eyes feasted on her, and he thought that he would like to stand and look at her forever, and that would be enough. “You are nearly there,” said James. “Very close. We are… so proud of you.” A chilly breeze that seemed to emanate from the heart of the forest lifted the hair at Harry’s brow. He knew that they would not tell him to go, that it would have to be his decision. “You’ll stay with me?” “Until the very end,” said James. “They won’t be able to see you?” asked Harry. “We are part of you,” said Sirius. “Invisible to anyone else.” Harry looked at his mother. “Stay close to me,” he said quietly.

OK, that's enough.



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