Trust and Listen

5.11.2024. One month since DAY6 in KL. I have a lot to say but i don’t really know how to put my thoughts into words. But here goes..

You see, i have been a fan of DAY6 since their debut (7.9.2015) and it has been my lifelong dream to see them live in concert, and to sing along to their songs.

5.10.2024, my dream finally came true. I saw them in person, standing right there in front of my eyes. I sang along to their every song, word by word just like i have been dreaming to do since forever.

9 years of waiting, only for it to be over in just 3 hours. It was bittersweet. But it meant everything to me.

To DAY6, thank you for finally coming here. Thank you for always producing great music. Thank you for staying together despite all the hardships and challenges in your journey of being DAY6. Above all, thank you for existing as DAY6.

데이식스 되어줘서 고마워요.


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