MARS Is Coming!

"asdfghjkl! walalalalkakakajahahaagaga! unfffunfunffunff! gaaaahhhhhhhwoahahhh!!!"

Ok, that's enough.

Hello there! So... the moment has come... 30 Seconds to Mars are coming to Malaysia!!!! Whoop whoop! This is crazy. I couldn't stop screaming & smiling when I heard the news. OHMYGOD, this is something that I've been waiting for 6 years, maaannn. SIX FREAKING YEARS. :) They're joining the MTV Asia World Stage. Awesomeeee! I sooooooo wanna go.. I'd do anything to get the money I needed. I'll get a job if it takes me too, I don't care! I wanna see Jared live in front of my eyes. It would be a dream come true. :'D

The details are here..

Oh, hey LOOK! They've added Malaysia in their tour list on their official website!!


Anonymous said…
*dies.. again*
haneul. said…
hahahahaha... i panggil bill tolong buat CPR kat u. xDDD
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