Have I Lost You?

I think i have lost the one person i called my best friend.

We haven't spoken/had a proper conversation in more than a month. He was quiet, and so was i. I thought maybe it was my fault. I waited & gone quiet for too long, resulting in him shying away from me. Maybe he thought i wasn't interested in being his bff anymore. Maybe he thought i abandoned him by not texting/talking. I did not. Maybe i was dumb for not texting him first, asking about his wellbeing. I honestly don't know what's going on with me & my life anymore. Or maybe he has a girlfriend who doesn't want him to be friends with me anymore. Or maybe i was thinking way too much & he was just simply busy with assignments & stuff. I don't fucking know anymore.. I feel like a real loser. I have a reason why i always feel like shit & i don't wanna mention it here, and he knows about it. What he doesn't know is that 'that problem' makes me feel like a sore loser. Everyday, i think about committing internet suicide. Disappear from all social medias. Disappear from everyone's lives. I think about it everyday. I just want to disappear to the point no one will ever find me. 

What should i do now?


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