Boy Meets Evil.

Two days until the release of WINGS and the hype is so overwhelming, so real even I can feel the heat from all the way across south east sea. I think this comeback is the most talked about. I don't remember reading / seeing tons of articles about BTS' comeback every day before this. The hype is too much and the expectations are too damn high it makes me scared and nervous as a fan. I, too am enthusiastic about this comeback, but i'm afraid of the amount of expectations given to the boys. What if the title track turns out to be a disappointment? What if the title track doesn't live up to expactations and make more people (haters and antis) accuse and curse the boys for mediaplaying so much? I don't want that to happen. I believe in BTS and I know I can always count on them to come out with good music. They are trustworthy. I'm sure the boys too are afraid of failing to deliver. I just hope that won't be the case and I hope this album will finally give the boys the success and recognitions they deserve. It's been long overdue.


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