Because I Had to Do It.

I'm about to write a blog post regarding my BFF's newly-created blogspot, LMAO. It's a task. He needs someone to give opinions on his blog & I'm gonna write it all here & then send it to him via whatsapp. The reason why I decide to write it here is because I think it's gonna be a bit long & I cannot type it all on my phone. Writing it on PC is way more comfortable & easier. So yeah. Here I go..

This is his blog. Y'all don't have to click the link if you don't want to. I'm not here to promote his blog, I'm here to clear my mission. LOL! And I still can't believe that he has a blog now, hahaha. I know he was forced to create one, but still! xD

I need to answer 3 questions:

1. How do you find this blog? (design, layouts, attractiveness etc..)
2. The language the writer used. Doesn't matter if it's formal or informal, but is his/her language readable, funny, smooth etc..?
3. Let's say you're reading this blog without knowing the writer is your good friend, but when you find out it was him/her, are you shocked? Do you feel that he/she is different from the person you know?

My answers:

1. This blog is nice because the design is simple, the layout is simple. As a person who loves simple things, I really like it. Some people put a lot of stuff in their blog until the page becomes "heavy" and hard to scroll up and down. But that is obviously not the case with this blog.

2. The language used is readable. Funny, not so much. (LMAO SORRY) Though I appreciate the writer's effort in trying to be funny. I think being funny is not really important in blog writing, at least the writer does not use bad words that can be off-putting to some people. And through that one post, I can see that the writer is comfortable in writing casually without being poetic or funny.

3. To be honest, I will not be shocked if I just found out that the writer is my best friend. The blog post he wrote has his name written all over it. It means that I knew his writing style. The words he used. And who could have missed that Beyonce reference in the first paragraph? That is so my best friend. And that is saying something; he is still the same person, be it in a blog or in real life.


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