Writer's Block? Or Just Plain Lazy?

I want to write something on this blog. 
I want to become an active blogger like how I used to be. 
But I can't do that anymore...

Now, I blog once a month, once a year...
There is no in between. 

I might be lying if I said I don't know why I don't blog anymore, because I know exactly why.. I am lazy. That's the answer. I am lazy to blog, though I really, really want to. The second reason is because I don't know what to write. I used to have lots of ideas but now I have none. Even if I had an idea, I wouldn''t blog it because I didn't know how to write it. I think my English writing skills have deteriorated ever since I started learning Korean. I am slowly losing my ability to write in English, I can feel it. That is why I need to blog from time to time, to maintain my English skills. But then again, I'm lazy to do so.

How did my English writing skills deteriorate, you ask? Well, since November 2013 I spent most of my time watching Korean dramas and listening to Korean music (KPOP). That's how. Then I started learning Korean on my own. Today, I'm able to read and write hangeul (Korean alphabets). I can also speak and understand Korean a little. If I watch Running Man or other Korean variety shows without English sub, I'll be able to understand 40-50% of what's being said, which is good enough for someone who teaches herself Korean. I really want to master the language, but I can't find a language class that teaches Korean around my are, and it frustrates me a lot. *sad face*

Anyway, I think it's okay to not write anything on regular basis, as long as I don't completely forget this blog's existence. I'm gonna try to make myself a less lazier. Bye! See ya soon, hopefully. *winks*


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