30-Day Challenge (Week 2)

I'm gonna continue with my 30-day challenge...

Day 8: Favourite word from EXO dictionary.

It's none other than....
"Yehet!" by Oh Sehun. ;D

Day 9: Which EXO moment did you feel the proudest as an EXO-L?

When they won numerous Daesang awards in late 2013 & early 2014. I cried a few times watching them on stage, accepting the awards & I cried listening to their speeches. :')

Day 10: Favourite derp picture of any EXO member.

I actually don't have any.. They still look hot while derpin'. xD

Day 11: Which EXO member would you go on a date with?

Kris. We'd go to a haunted house. So that i'll witness his reactions. HAHA. xD

Day 12: Favourite meme of any EXO member.

I have one, but I didn't save it, so I don't have it with me...

Day 13: Airport previews, or stage performances previews.

Airport previews, of course! Airport is where they look their best, and from there we'll see their individual fashion style & who's got more sense in fashion.. ;)

Day 14: Favourite scenes in EXO's Showtime.

Ep.1: Kris' "Oongnya, oongnya" scene.
Ep.4: When they teased Kris for crying when he misses his mom.
Ep.5: When Chen "lost" his wallet.
Ep.10: Kris' "haunted house" scene. I can never get bored of watching it. :')
Ep12: When Kris gave up to Luhan, and when he hugged Suho at the sea. I cried everytime.

That's all for this week.
Until next time.


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