30-Day Challenge (Week 1).

I want to do something. Something that I never have done before. A 30-day challenge. This is kpop related. All about EXO. As a new member in the kpop world, I feel like doing things like this. Just because. ;) So here are the things that I should post everyday, but everyday would be a burden to the readers (and followers), so I decided to do it weekly. I'll compile & things in one post. It'll be easier that way. 

So, yeah. Please look forward to it.. ;D

(From 1 - 7 September 2014)

Can you read it? Sorry for the quality..

Ok, let's start!

Day 1: Favourite sexy photo of bias in EXO.

For those who didn't know, 'bias' is our favourite member in a group. My bias in EXO is Kris. Now known as Wu Yi Fan. And I actually have lots of sexy pics of him, but there's one picture that stands out. One of my all-time favourite pics.. 

It's this picture.

I love this pic because that's the first time (i think..?) he showed his tattoo on stage. Taken on 12 May 2014, at EXO Comeback Showcase in Shanghai. And that is also his last stage before he left EXO. That is why this pic is special for me.

Day 2: Favourite all-time EXO song.

I have many. But if I was to choose only one, it'll be "Don't Go". The lyrics are beautiful, and it's the first EXO song that I memorized completely. The song means a lot to me. Especially since 15 May 2014. Since he left.

Day 3: Which EXO member would you want as a brother, and why.

Kim Junmyeon. Suho. The EXO leader. Because: First, he's rich. He didn't get the name "Junmoney" for nothing. He owns a black credit card. Wouldn't it be great to have a brother who has plenty of money so when I'm bored, I could just ask him to go shopping.. Lol! Second, he's smart. Educated. His father is a professor & his mother is a school teacher. Third, he's a protector. His stage name, Suho means "protector". A shield. So he could always protect me, his dongsaeng. ;D

Day 4: Ultimate bias wrecker.

My bias wrecker(s) used to be Luhan & Byun Baekhyun. The two of them always tried to "steal" the no.1 spot held by Kris in my bias list. But as of now, it's gotta be Oh Sehun, maaaan. The maknae (youngest) of EXO. He's been pulling my heartstrings since Golden Disk Awards 2014, earlier this year. I don't see him as a kid anymore, he's a man now. Sang namja. So manly. HNGG. Who cares if he's 3 years younger than me? Age is just a number, babyyyy. ;)

Day 5: Favourite OTP.

HunHan (Sehun + Luhan). 
KaiSoo (Kai + Kyungsoo)
 BaekYeol (Baekhyun + Chanyeol)
Enough said.

Day 6: Which EXO member would you want to be best friend with?

Umm, idk. Luhan, maybe? Because he looks like a fun guy to be with. He plays football & loves football, he even loves Man United. Like me, heyyy.. We would go grab a coffee together, since we both love coffee. We could sit at home, watching Man United plays. Do things like that as best friends. So awesome.. (deep sigh)

Day 7: Favourite EXO fanfic.

I have some favs, buuuuuuut all of them are smuts, so I won't list them here.. xD

Alright! I'll continue with Day 8 - 14 next time.


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