30-Day Challenge (Week 3).

Alright! Here we go. Another day, another challenge. ;) Day 15: Describe a scenario where you'd bump into EXO at the airport. Well... We'll meet at the waiting area because we're about to get on the same plane, going to the same place. HAHA! I always play this scene in my head. ;D Day 16: Secret bias. This guy.. Kim fucking Jongdae Day 17: A selca with one OTP (besides fav. OTPs) XiuHan! The 90-liner chingus. The oldest, but look the youngest... Day 18: Describe EXO-L. The most passionate, but sometimes stupid. That's all I can say. Day 19: Which EXO's superpower would you want? I'm torn between Kai's teleportation & Tao's turn-back-the-time power.. :/ Day 20: How would you want to meet EXO? At their concert tour. Backstage. As simple as that. Day 21: Favourite EXO comeback stage. My fav. comeback stage is also the last comeback stage for my ultimate bias... *cries*