
I had my first Korean dream last night.
It involved these guys...

Yeap. I'm kiiiiinda obsessed with these guys.
My first favourite Korean boy band.
So... now you know.

Aaaand, I had a dream about them last night. It was pretty epic. I don't know why it was easy for me to dream about them. Maybe because I was fangirling so hard last night, I even had a breathing difficulty due to excessive fangirling. Lol! So, in that dream, I was at this place that looked like a hotel of some sort. When I was going up the stairs, I bumped into D.O & Sehun. They were wearing a suit. D.O smiled brightly at me, I almost fell off the stairs. Then, I saw Suho with Kris & Baekhyun at the lobby. I went to Suho & asked, "You're Suho from EXO, right?" He smiled at me, but he didn't answer my question because there was a group of girl fans who were screaming when they saw Suho & asked for a picture. Pffft, fuck 'em! -,- Then I talked to Kris as if we were friends. He was so sweet & he smiled a lot. Baekhyun too! It felt sooo real, I swear! Even Kris' voice sounded like his real voice.. (*0*) Then, I said goodbye to them & met my friend outside the hotel. I couldn't stop screaming. My reaction was exactly like when I met Lawson 7 months ago. So surreal. I wanna have this kind of dream again in the near future. ;)


Anonymous said…
ey since when huh you speak hangul?
haneul. said…
Wait, when did I??? Hahaha. xD

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