Running Man.

I am quite obsessed with Running Man.
No. Wait. Scratch that.
I am SO VERY obsessed with the Korean variety show.

Since May 2013. It's been almost 4 months and the obsession isn't showing any signs of slowing down just yet. Now that I'm on a sem break, I've been watching Running Man two to four episodes per day. I've seen all the 2010 (E1-E23), 2012 (E75-E127) & 2013 (E128-E160 & counting) episodes, and am now catching up on all the 2011 episodes. I just cannot stop watching it. It's one of the shows that leaves you wanting more after you've finished with one episode. One episode a day is just not sufficient. And wth am I talking about...?! I really suck at explaining things. The main purpose of this blog entry is to tell errbody how much in love I am with Running Man. Especially the guy who goes by the name of....


There are some things that I miss seeing on the current episodes....

1. Song Joong Ki. I know his appearance didn't give much impact to the show because he wasn't really funny and such, but he was the show's "brainiac" and the show's cute flower boy. When he bid his goodbye at the end of episode 41, I cried.. And that was the very first episode that made me cry. I mean, who the heck cried when watching Running Man.. Gaaah, so emotional.

2. Kim Jong Kook & the Two Kids. Jong Kook + Gary + Haha. "Ui hyung..", "Kookie hyung..", "Nae dongsaeng.." & all the cute things that happened in episode 32. I miss all that. I really miss seeing them on the same team. :(

3. KJK being childish & cute. Like, wearing a name tag with "Kookie" written on it.. Like this:

And when he stomped his feet like a spoilt child. I miss seeing him being (or at least, trying) to be cute. Gotta love cute Kookie.

I am so obsessed with Running Man I even created a group on whatsapp and named it....

That happened.

Hashtag I regret nothing.


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