TAG: Liebster Award.

I'm a noob at this, ngl.

This is actually my first time doing this thing, haha. Thanks to KAK Syu for tagging me.. ;p I had fun doing this, though it took me weeks to post it on my blog. Oh, here's Miss Syu's post; Liebster Award.

Okay, here we go....

11 facts about me:

1. I'm addicted to novels. This addiction forced me to open a mini library in my room, haha.
2. I'm a huge fan of football. Manchester United, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid & Germany NT are my favourite teams.
3. Mocha is my favourite type of coffee. Mocha frappucino is my favourite drinks from Starbucks.
4. My original ambition was to be a pilot. (Adam Pitts' real passion was flying, he wanted to be a pilot as well. See what I mean when I said we're soulmates?)
5. I'm super sensitive. I'm a crier. I cry very, very easily.
6. I have a boy BFF. We've been friend for 12 years. :)
7. I'm addicted to Twitter. Can't live a day without tweeting. God knows I've tried.
8. I love superheroes. Iron Man & Batman are my favourites.
9. I'm a TV addict. I'm currently following a lot of TV series. TVD, Game of Thrones, Da Vinci's Demons, Arrow, Hannibal, Revolution, Revenge, Once Upon A Time, you name it.
10.  My biggest dream in life is to further my studies overseas. I may have the chance to d so in 3 years. :)
11. I have a red-coloured teddy bear named Adam (don't ask me why I named him that...)

Questions from Miss Syu:

1. Do you own any knock-offs? Be it purses or clothing or shoes or anything like that, what is it?

I used to have one. A fake Guess bag my dad bought from Bandung, haha. I don't own any knock-offs anymore. I like to keep it original.. ;)

2. Name that one accessory you can't or won't go out without.

My wrist watch, of course. I feel naked without it.

3. What's your current hairstyle, if you don't mind?


4. Music or movies?

Music. Can't go on a day without listening to music, but I can live without watching a movie for a day. Music came first in my life, so yeah... Music.. :)

5. Mansion or apartment?

Apartment if I live alone, mansion if I'm married to a millionaire (or a musician) and have 2 cute kids.. ;D

6. List your top 3 favourite reality tv shows..

I don't really watch reality tv series, but...
1. The Voice 
2. The Voice
3. Masterchef Malaysia


7. 5 celebs that you adore their street style?

1. Miranda Kerr
2. Victoria Beckham
3. Taylor Swift
4. Gwen Stefani
5. Jared Leto (haha)

8. Do you play any sports? If you do, what is it?

I used to play a bit of "bola baling" (what is it called in english?) when I was in school. I don't do sports anymore.. A huge fan of football, but I suck at it.. Lol.

9. Your perfect flaw?

My long & bony fingers..? Hahaha they're very alien-like. ;p

10. Novel you're reading right now?

11. Can you swim?

Sadly, no. ;( That's one of my biggest regrets.

My Questions for You:

1. Who's your girl crush?
2. Biggest guilty pleasure?
3. Do you have a pet? If you do, what is it?
4. Where will you be in 5 years time?
5. What kind of a weapon would you use during a zombie apocalypse?
6. A song that you'd play at your wedding.
7. Favourite musical instruments?
8. If you could eat only 1 thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
9. Favourite superhero?
10. If you could marry a millionaire, who would it be?
11. Your biggest dream in life?

I tag:

To the bloggers I nominated, if you don't have anything to do, I suggest you do this thing and post it on your blog & let me know cuz I wanna read your answers to my questions. :D
It's very simple, you just have to..
1. List 11 facts about you
2. Answer all the questions given
3. Create another 11 questions
4. Tag your blogger friends & let them know about it.

So yeah.. That is all.
Have fun!


Anonymous said…

THANK YOU for doing this tag but girl, you're cheating!!!! hahaha

*slaps you, lovingly haha
haneul. said…
CHEATING??? What?? How? I didn't cheat laaah, hahaha.. xD

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