Birthday Present.

A few days after the Lawson showcase, we received our M&G pic..
I was happy with how the picture turned out to be.
It. Was. Perfect.

I should've posted this pic loooooooong ago, but I was busy with uni & lazy to update my blog like I used to. I turned 22 approx 2 weeks ago, I didn't get any presents from anybody, but..... I got a very special present 3 days before.. An early birthday present, the BEST present I've got in my whole life. LAWSON. I met them, I talked to them... It was more than I could ever ask. Money can't buy those... I feel extremely grateful to be given a chance to met them & seen them live... :')

Thank you, Lawson.


Anonymous said…
Happy belated belated Birthday Ieka!!!

Hate to ruin your bday present but that pic is not perfect!
You know why.

haneul. said…
thank youuuu! :D

hmm, i think i know why....
you weren't in it.. ;(


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