Awesome Lawson!

Today was bloody epic.
Lawson live in KL.
The best gig I've ever been to.
The loudest, the greatest.

Lots of things happened. I met some nice people. Made some new friends. It was my luckiest day. I never ever felt this way before. 

Me & Eida. 

I was nervous today, I was nervous the day before. I was about to meet & greet the boys before the showcase. I got the M&G pass from a girl who sold it for RM50 each. I was willing to pay anything for a chance to meet (and hug) them. So me & Eida booked the passes & hoping she would not change her mind.

My day started at 8.30am. I woke up, took a shower & dressed up. I had my breakfast 20 mins later & made my way to KL Sentral to meet up with Eida & her friend (who is now my friend as well), Ari. Then, we made our way to KLCC. We arrived there around 11am, and people were already lining up. I thought we were gonna be the first ones to arrived. (Life said, "not a chance!") So we sat there for hourssss..

Then the backstage crew called up some of the boys to help them with stuff & Dzul was one of them! So was Eida's little brother & his friend! We asked them to asked for M&G passes in return for their service... And they got it!! Yaaayy! They'll join us for M&G session!

Then came the lucky draw session at 4.30pm. Me & Eida sent Ari to participate in that lucky draw. Orange balls = meet & greet, and white balls = nothing. Guess who was the luckiest girl on that day? ARI!!! Because she got orange balls TWICE IN A ROW! TWO MEET & GREET PASSES, wooohooO! One for her & one for me! Soooooooo happy!! :'D Then we met up with Zaty, the girl whom I made friends with at KLIA while waiting for Lawson. Since I already got my M&G pass, she bought the pass from the girl who sold it.. That means, FOUR OF US WERE GOING TO MEET THE BOYS!!! :'D

Our M&G bracelets!

At 6pm, we, the luckiest ones, formed a line outside the venue for M&G session. I was extremely nervous I couldn't shut up! (Yeah, I talked a lot when I'm nervous) All I could think about was "I need to hug Adam & shake hands with the rest of them...." We were also the ones who got inside the venue earlier than everybody else. They told us to be in a group of 5 & form a line. There were 4 of us, so this Chinese guy named Joshua (who is quite a cutie) joined us in the group. We waited for the boys for like, half an hour. The M&G started at 7pm. The boys came in & we screamed, like of course we would! Gah, they looked so beautiful............ Andy was standing next to Adam.....and you'll know where this is going, right? (Hint: My chance!)

Then came our turn.... I made my way straight to Adam & I hugged him!!! I. HUGGED. ADAM JAMES PITTS. For real this time not only in my head!!!! :'D Then he put his arm around my shoulder & I held on to his hand while our picture was taken. It felt so nice holding his hand, I never wanted to let it gooo! ;( Then I walked to Andy & shook his hand. WOAHHH! And I also shook hands with Ryan! And Ryan said to me, "See you at the show!" I almost fainted.. :'D Bummed I didn't get to shake hands with Joel. Boo! :(

We were given a choice; either to stay downstairs (during the show), or to go upstairs. People who chose to watch the show from upstairs will get an early access to the signing sesh which was gonna happen right after the show. We opted for the 2nd choice since we'll get a better view of them boys. It was indeed a better view!

Calm before the storm.

Full house!

The show started at 8pm. The screams were deafening! I thought I was gonna be deaf, gosh! I could barely hear Andy's sweet voice. :( But everything was super awesome. They were great live. Brilliant. Epic. Amazing. 

Lawson in action!

Couldn't even see Adam's face on this view, dammit!

Andy & Ryan wore a sleeveless shirt which exposed their yummy biceps. Andy & Ryan were basically making out on stage at some point. Joel's guitar faces made me smile like an idiot. Andy's Jagger moves were bloody epic! When Andy slapped Ryan's bum, I DIED! And the fact that they sang a few more songs that weren't on the setlist made me feel like crying. They loved us so much, I think. They said we were the loudest crowd they've ever had. The gave us a show to remember, we gave them the experience they won't ever forget. :'D

The show ended around 9.10pm. We waited for a few minutes for the signing sesh. 

Here's what happened during the signing sesh...

I high-fived Ryan & he asked me, "How are you?" I said, "I'm good, thanks." Then I said "Hi, Adam!" a little too enthusiastically & he was like, "Heyy.." Then I said, "I love you, Adam!" & he replied, "I love you, too." HE SAID HE LOVES ME TOO. 1 OF MY LIFE'S MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED! :"D Then I said "Hi" to Joel & he looked at me in the eyes & asked "How are you?" I said, "I'm good! Great show!" He said, "Thanks!" I MADE A CONTACT WITH JOEL'S BEAUTIFUL EYES OMAIGAAAAHHHD. Then I said "Thanks!" to Andy & he smiled at me! MY HEART MELTED AT THE VERY INSTANT! :""D They were all sooooo nice. Exactly as I imagined they would be! And ohmy, wasn't the signing sesh one of the greatest things that ever happened to me... :'D

I got out from the venue screaming & crying, a bit hysterical, having a very hard time to believe all the things that just happened. I was scared of losing these memories so I tweeted all about them. This was THE most amazing experience I've ever had. I've never been this happy before. I have lots of people to thank to. Thanks to the Lawson boys, of course for giving us one hell of a show. Thanks to Adam for making my dream (to hug him) came true. Thanks to Ari for being so lucky on that day. Thanks to Eida for being there when I was fangirling hard. Thanks to Zaty, whom I just met but became good friends in just a few hours.. Thanks to Zaty, again, for sending me to my hostel so that I wouldn't have to take a cab. I will not forget your kindness.. :')

And a massive sorry to Farah, Liena & Ella for not being able to hangout a little longer. When you girls arrived, we were busy lining up for our M&G sesh. :( And sorry to Nurin for not saying hi. I really wanted to, but oh well no such luck. :( And I'm writing all this to make you read it. Yes, you Miss Syu. Wish you could be there with us, rocking out to Lawson. We used to talk about going to their show together, remember? I was super upset when you told me you couldn't make it. :'( But you're busy, I understand that. I'm just sad that we still haven't met in real life yet.. :'(

The worst PCD is about to kick in in 3, 2, 1....


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