Para, Paramore!

Yesterday was epic.
Paramore Live in KL.
Me & my BFF's 2nd concert together. :')

We got to the venue waaaay too early. 12 pm. And we had to sit on a concrete for SIX hours before the doors were open. (My butt hurts ever since...) I met up with my twitter friend, Fizi a few hours before 6pm. Glad to finally met him! :)

Six hours later.....

The doors were open. No A door WAS open. Singular. For us Rock Zone ticket holders. And there were like, 5674890273 people trying to get into the stadium through ONE door. Wtf. People were pushing and pushing. They made us look like underprivileged civilians who wanted to get their hands on some food. I thought I was gonna die. And the guards made us wait for 30 more minutes before they let us in. Another wtf moment. 

Before the show.

And we were finally in the stadium, woo! We made it to the second row. And yeah, we got a VERY clear view of the stage and the people who were on it. ;) Paramore's supporting act, mewithoutYou got on the stage at 8pm. They were okay. I couldn't get my eyes off the guitarist because I loved seeing him "goreng" his guitar, haha. And their drummer was kinda 'rocknroll' crazy who looks like Jack Black a little, hahaha.

An hour later.

PARAMORE !!!!!!!

And omfg Jeremy Davis was right in front of me!! He could see me and I could see him clearly!! I couldn't believe my luck. Though I was a bit bummed Taylor York was at the other side of the stage. Would kill to see more of him. :( but nevermind. At least Hayley Williams could see us! Hahaha. My BFF swore that Jeremy pointed at him after he said "I love you" (or was it "you rock") to Jeremy, aha! Hayley was amazing. The band was amazing. They performed 18 songs without long breaks. The energy was overwhelming, I felt like weeping on the floor because of their amazingness. I was jumping and singing along to every song without feeling tired, which was incredibly weird. I felt really, really tired before Paramore was on stage. But clearly they took away my tiredness and replaced it with tons of energy inside me. :')

They opened their show with their brand new song, "Now". (My BFF sorta hated the song, I couldn't tell whether he was singing along to the song or not...) But I love the song! So of course I was singing along to it, and thank God I've memorised the lyrics.. :p Jeremy did his famous flip during "Pressure", which was awesooooomeee... Their performance of "In The Mourning" was incredibly epic. They performed the song acoustically, just Hayley and Taylor.. And nothing hurts.. :')

And that little fist bump Hayley & Taylor made after the song was just too cute, I would give anything just to see that again. :') And during mid "Misery Business", Hayley chose one girl to sing on stage with her. Omg I bet everyone wanted to kill her out of extreme jealousy. (I did too, ngl) Her name is Lucy and fuuuuck she got a pic with Hayley & Taylor. Daaamn.

Full setlist.

1. Now
2. That's What You Get
3. Born For This
4. For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic
5. Decode
6. Renegade
7. Pressure
8. Careful
9. In The Mourning (Acoustic)
10. The Only Exception
11. Let The Flames Begin
12. Fences
13. Looking Up
14. Ignorance
15. Monster
16. Brick By Boring Brick

17. Hello Cold World
18. Misery Business

Oh, did I mention that my friend, Fizi had Jeremy's guitar pick? Oh yes, I hated him for that, hahaha. >__<

The night was epic. Paramore was epic. It was all worth it. The money, the energy and time I wasted waiting for the doors to open.. Everything was worth it. Thank you, Paramore for putting on the greatest show I've seen. And thank you for coming back. I didn't get to see you as a 5-piece when you were here, but I witnessed some incredible things tonight. I am eternally grateful.

17 February 2013.. Never forget.. :')


Anonymous said…
No crushcrushcrush?
it's ok tho.
It's good.
Good enough.
Except that I wasn't there.

F, Y? *sobs
haneul. said…
No crushcrushcrush..
i was pretty bummed about that too..
but at least they performed most of their best songs. :')
aww.. :(

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