OMG! News.

Just received a great news that made me go ahsgbfhgfndjskloeuri for hours.

Lawson are coming to Malaysia in April 2013!!!!!!!!11111!!

My reaction was exactly like Joel's face in that picture... But not as pretty, though.

OHMYGOD!! Can you believe it? My dream is coming true!!!! I wanna meet them soooo bad, and I'm SO thankful they chose to come here in April, MY BIRTHDAY MONTH! Praying that their show will be on April 16th so that I have more reason to be happy. :D

The lads were doing some radio interviews in Thailand, Singapore, and us! & Fly were interviewing them! 

I swear I spazzed everytime I saw them tweeted "Malaysia". xD
And then came the news.....

"Start the countdown". 
Oh, yes Lawson I've started the countdown.....


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