My 2nd Lawson Dream.

I honestly don't get how dreams work. But I think when we often think about someone, we tend to dream about them a lot. And I think that's happening to me. I had another Lawson dream last night, my second time in 9 days. I admit, I think about them quite a lot. Not only think, I listen to their songs every day and night. Sort of obsessed with them. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But last night's dream was quite epic. I dreamed about ALL of them. When I was obsessed with 1D, I never had a dream where all of them are in it. There was always someone missing in that dream. But this Lawson dream I had, all of them were there. :)

And how can I stop thinking about them when they won't stop posting pictures like THIS??
Daaaaamn son how fit do they look?!
*wipes drools*

The dream started with me having a heated argument with a friend (who I think was Nurin, my twitter friend.. Not sure.) about Lawson. There were some issues or problems about Lawson that just broke. You know, the bad news just broke. Idk what was the bad news, though. It didn't exist in that dream. Maybe I was defending Lawson about something.... So yeah, we argued and she locked me in the house. She locked me in! How dare she! lol. I found a way out when she was in the shower. As I was walking along the corridor, without my shoes on (I held them in my hands, fyi.), I bummed into the boys. They were just coming downstairs. Told them, "Guess what? I was kicked out from the house." They went "noooooo.." and made noises... I followed them. They went into this house, except Adam, he walked straight to the carpark to fetch something from the car, which I think was a guitar. I told him I was waiting for my mom. I lied, obviously because I was following him. I wasthat creepy. I walked with him to the house where the rest of the boys went to. While walking, I asked him, "How many interviews have you done so far?" He replied, "Three." (I think I asked him this because the news about them that just came out was somewhat 'controversial' & they needed to do some interviews to clear things up.) Then I went to the house, it was the place where they were gonna do another interview. There were some 'reporters' (who are mostly girls, maybe they weren't reporters, but fangirls. Lol.) inside the house. We waited for a few minutes as they set up the sound systems and stuff. I had a conversation & a laugh with Joel, who sat near me. Don't know what the joke was all about. Asked him & Ryan, who sat behind him, with a laptop to smile as the girls were snapping pictures of them. I tweeted "You wouldn't believe where I am right now." A few minutes later, Andy started speaking using a mic. And then, POOF! I woke up, without posting another tweet about who I'm meeting with. FUUUUUUU.

Definitely one of the best dreams I've had. I've just become a fan of Lawson for like, 3 months and already had awesome dreams about them. Hihihi. I hope I'll continue dreaming about them for as long as I could. ;)


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