Movie Nights.

Since I became a "penganggur terhormat", I spent my days downloading a bunch of movies, and spent my nights watching them. I downloaded more than 10 movies in a week, and trust me, I've seen lots of movies in the past month. More than 20, I believe. I had a "(put an actor's name here) Movie Marathon Night" (or should it be "Movie Night Marathon"? Hmm.) last week and it was wicked. I watched 2 movies (back-to-back) starred by my favourite actors; Jeremy Renner, Ryan Gosling & Bradley Cooper. I watched The Town & The Hurt Locker on "Jeremy Renner Movie Marathon Night", Crazy Stupid Love & Drive on "Ryan Gosling Movie Marathon Night", and Limitless & Valentine's Day on "Bradley Cooper Movie Marathon Night". And as for right now, I'm so into watching all the movies which have Michael Fassbender in it. I'm obsessed with this guy. I downloaded half of his filmography and watched all of them in like, 3 days. Fish Tank, Inglourious Basterds, Centurion, Jonah Hex, Jane Eyre, X-Men: First Class, A Dangerous Method, Shame, Haywire... I've seen them all, and I'm on my way to download Hunger, Eden Lake & Blood Creek. I'm gonna have all of these movies in my hard disk by the end of this month. Awesome fangirl, aren't I? ;)

I love you, Fassy... You're the best! Marry me?


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