Them Again.

It's been a while since I dreamed of the 1D boys. Yesterday, they made yet another grand appearance in my dream. I didn't quite remember everything in detail, I just remember talking to Harry & Zayn during lunch (I think), and we were at my old high school. HAHA it's ridiculous since none of us are still in high school. I talked to Harry & Zayn like we've been friends since foreverrr, which is quite awesome IF it was true. At one point, I turned my head and saw Louis watching me from afar. Like he was stalking me, or something. And then I walked up to him, but he didn't say anything to me, he was just watching. I tried to make a conversation with him, but nothing came out from my mouth. Weird. I didn't see Niall or Liam, tho. I was pretty bummed I didn't get to speak to Louis. Whyyy, Louis? Y U NO TALK TO ME IN MY DREAMS? I never get the chance to have you in my dreams. Harry & Zayn has made it into my dreams a couple of times, but why not youuu, pretty boy? :(


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