Fifty Shades of Grey.

Have you read this book? Damn, this book is HOT! And by "hot", I mean Christian Grey. Not the....other things. ;)

They're turning this book into a movie (now, now, who wouldn't have thought about that??), and now they're searching for a qualified actor to portray the character, Christian Grey. I heard the battle is down to two now; Ian Somerhalder vs Alexander Skarsgard. Both are well-known for being sexy vampires in The Vampire Diaries and True Blood respectively. And I must admit, they both are so damn hot, and have the qualities required to play Mr. Grey. But, I think they really need to consider casting other actors. Probably trying out Shiloh Fernandez? I like that boy! But I think it's sort of impossible to have Shiloh as Christian Grey. :( But whatever it is, I can't wait for the movie. Although I'm 100% sure the movie won't make its way to Malaysia... But there's always internet. ;)


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