The Hunger Games.

"May the odds be ever in your favor..."

The Hunger Games is my new favourite thing. Bought the books 2 weeks ago and spent 10 days reading them all. I spent 5 days on the 1st book (The Hunger Games), 1 day on Catching Fire & 4 days on Mockingjay. I gotta say, I'm hooked. When I started reading it, I was like, "No, I can't go or do anywhere. I have to finish this book." I even read it while I was working at the office. (Sorry, boss!) The books are so addictive, it's scary. I'll re-read it again soon. Yesterday, I watched the movie with my bro. And ohmygod it was... Amazing. Awesome. Brilliant. Fantastic. Magnificent. Mind-blowing. It was.....everything. Oh God, I have so much to say about THG and I don't even know how to start. Or rather, WHERE to start.... *headdesk* Ok, let's try.. 

The likes:

I always find film never live up to the books expectations, so I've been slightly worried for this movie. It turned out, everything was portrayed so well! I love the way Gary Ross brought the book to life. I had been wondering how the heck were they going to place some things because the book was in Katniss' perspective. Everything was in her head. So when Ceasar came in and spoke at intervals, I thought that was very clever. It made me feel like I was in one of the districts, watching the games live on my TV. All behind-the-scenes arena shots (in the control room, that is) were perfect. How the game makers basically controlled the arena was chilling. And I could go on and list many scenes/things and say they're my favourites; 

1. Haymitch congratulating Katniss on shooting the arrow along with the scoring.
2. Cato's fight with the other tribute about his missing knife & Rue's mischievousness.
3. Effie Trinket's "That is mahogany", "manners" and "desserts".
4. Seneca Crane's beard & his "Who ordered the pig?" 
5. Katniss' hallucintions from the tracker jacker.
6. Rue's death... I wanted to see Katniss/Rue interaction go on for a bit longer, but the Amandla Stenberg's performance as Rue was adorable. Her death scene was just like how I imagined it. I did cry during the scene. :'(
7. *Nightlocknightlocknighlock* "Damn you!" and then a hug.. Awwwww.... :')
8. The mutts scene. I was flipping shit when the first mutt jumped out. The mutts were really good, but I imagined them to be more wolf-like, not bulldog-like. LOL. It was a shame they left out the mutt's eyes thingy, but overall, it was pretty damn scary.
9. "Go on. Shoot, then we both go down and you win. Go on, I'm dead anyway. I always was, right? I couldn't tell until now. How's that? Is that what they want? Huh, I can still do this. I can still do this; one more kill. This is all I knew how to do, to bring pride to my district, not that it matters..." - Cato. And when Peeta pointed to Cato's hand (thank you Gary Ross for putting that in!), and Katniss shoots him.... Catoooooooooo... *sob sob*
10. THE CAVE SCENE. Katniss & Peeta first kiss. AAAAAAAHHHHHH.... 
11. Oh! And "You called that a kiss..?" note form Haymitch. Hahahaha. Damn son, that was funny.

The (very few) dislikes:

1. The career tributes laughing every 5 seconds. It was great the first time they did it, because it really showed their pleasure in killing other tributes. But then it got annoying. The scene should've been more intense. :( 
2. The lack of scene for Cinna.. He was one of the reasons I couldn't wait to watch the movie. I love Cinna in the book. I was expecting him to have more scenes in the movie.
3. The Cornucopia was nothing like I imagined. I literally imagined a gigantic freakin' cornucopia you see in pilgrim events.. But... *sigh
4. Seneca Crane was killed with nightlocks? Pfftt!

Overall, THG was worth the long (and torturous) wait and also worth the money. It is one of the movies you can't ever get enough and have to watch it 675648976 times. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen.. She was perfect for the role. Her eyes held so much of what I wanted to see represented on the big screen. Her inner strength and mannerisms were spot-on for Katniss. Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark.. He might not speak a ton in this movie, but look into his eyes. Everytime I saw his eyes, I was sold on his love for Katniss. I dare say that no one can ever bring Peeta to life like he did in this movie. I am sooooooooooo looking forward for the second movie. Bring on Catching Fire! Bring on November 2013!

Peace and out.


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