Dragon Tattoo-ed Girl.

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo bt Stieg Larsson"

I read the book a few weeks earlier, and I fell in love with it almost instantly. The storyline was so unique it literally blew my head off. I've always been into crime fictions since the very beginning of my "book-collecting era". Crime fictions > romantic novels. And last night, I watched the movie version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I loved it. I love how Rooney Mara portrayed her character as Lisbeth Salander who is highly introverted and has a photographic memory, which is so awesome. But I noticed that there were many holes in the movie. Quite disappointed they didn't include the parts where Mikael Blomkvist had an affair with Cecilia Vanger. And they even shortened the phrase Lisbeth tatttoo-ed on Nils Bjurman's abdomen. It was supposed to be "I AM A SADISTIC PIG, A PERVERT AND A RAPIST", they changed it to "I AM A RAPIST PIG" only. Wtf. And the part where Martin tortured Mikael in his torture chamber... The scene should've been longer, goddamnit! And what made me pissed was they changed Harriet Vanger's character. In the novel, she was in Australia, managing a farm with her son and Mikael went to Australia to catch on with her. But in the movie, she was Anita Vanger (she used Anita's name). Like, double wtf. =___= But overall, it's a good movie and I enjoyed it very much. Everyone should watch it. And make sure you're over 18.. Peace & out.


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