It's A Wish Coming True.

Yesterday, I told my parents about my mater plan. You know, about going to Avril Lavigne's concert with my BFF on February 18, 2012. I talked to them very nicely and they finally gave me a solid and concrete answer; YES. Now that I have granted their permission, I am entitled to get myself a ticket. I asked my dad for an advance (means that, I'm using his money to buy the ticket, and I'll pay him back once I get my monthly allowances..), and he was willing enough to do it. And today, my dad transferred the cash to Iqbal's account, and voila! ;D

I would like to say thanks to...
1. My dad for giving me a permission & lent me his money.
2. My mom for being so understanding... :D
3. My BFF, Iqbal for wanting to go see Avril with me & help me buy the ticket as I couldn't do it myself.



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