Friday The 13th.

 There's a lot of things happened/are happening today. Most of them made me feel happy, only 10% of them made me feel like shit.

Those 90% of happiness are....

1. 1D are going to have their own radio show HERE!! For five weeks, each of them will be hosting on each week!!!! hnjhnjhnjhnjhnjhnj..

2. 1D are planning WORLD TOUR IN 2012/2013!!!!!! And I have this weird feeling which says they're coming her in either June or July!! ZOMGGGGG!!!! Rumours, please be true!!

3. The "One Thing" music video premiers TONIGHT! 12AM Malaysian time!!! Yaaaaaayyy! Can hardly wait!!! xD

The 10% of the non-happiness is.....

1. Foster The People are performing at this very minute & I am not there. My friend, Anis is rocking out with them while I'm not. I iz so saaaaad..
*letting out a bucket of creys*


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