Dreams Got Weirder.

I really wanna update my blog with something non-1D-related updates/stories......but I can't. In this post, I'm gonna tell you about the dreams I had for the past few days. Have I ever told you that I had Zayn Malik in my dreams twice in just a week? Yeah, it's true. I could not remember the first dream but I'm pretty sure it was all lovey dovey. Haha. I had 'flashes' that me & Zayn were holding hands while walking by the lake... Eeep! *facepalm* >___< The second dream was even weirder. As I was walking side by side with a man whom I couldn't remember his face,  Zayn came to me and held my right hand. WUT? I bet the "faceless" guy was my boyfriend and WTF was Zayn doing holding my hand like that??! LOOOOOOOOL. 

Last two weeks, I had yet another 1D-infected dream. This time, it involved Harry Styles. The dream started with me tweeting on my lappy. A few minutes later, Harry tweeted something that ended with the sad emoticon, :( and my tweethandle, @iekadurrani. Seconds later, I started to receive hates from Directioners. They were bashing me like crazy. I didn't give in, tho. i fought back by tweeting, "YOU GIRLS SHOULD JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" all in caps lock. LMAO! I didn't know what was that all about. I believe I was innocent. I didn't break Harry's heart. I'd never do that. xD

And last week, Jan 25th... Niall Horan was in my dream. Oh, dear! First was Zayn, then Harry & now Niall? My brain really is messed up. :/ Okay, let me tell you about the dream. There was nothing much to remember, actually. In that dream, I THINK Niall was my classmate. I saw him sitting at the back of the class & writing something on his book. He was left-handed, like he really is in real-life. And he was wearing his signature outfit; a sweater. HAHA. Mad, mad dream.

And a few days later, I dreamed about Liam Payne! OMAIGAWD. The dream was fun & funny & sad. The fun part was, I got to do an interview with him...... Face to face. Damn, he was hot! xD The funny part was, I only managed to ask him TWO questions! Bummer! ;( The sad part was I don't even remember what my questions were! ;____;

Ok, so I had Zayn, Harry, Niall & Liam in my dreams.... My mission is almost accomplished. For now, I'm waiting for my imaginary Hubby, Louis to make a grand appearance in my dream...

Lou-wehh, come to meh!
I LOUve LOU. <3


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