Crazy Fandom.

IT'S 2012!

I'm pretty excited about this year. Mostly because a lot of great concerts are coming our way. Speaking of concerts, I have granted a permission from my parents; I AM ALLOWED TO GO TO AVRIL LAVIGNE's CONCERT on February 18th! Wohoo!! I'm going with my BFF, which is gonna be extra special as this will be our first concert together.. ;)

Enough about concerts. I'm writing this blog post to state and express my opinions about this one fandom which I called "crazy", "obsessive, and sometimes, "over the top". The fandom is none other than "DIRECTIONERS". Yup. Directioners are crazy. Like, overly & inhumanly crazy. There's a reason why I called them crazy. It is because they tend to trend stupid things. For example, when Zayn tweeted "Good morning", they'll trend "Good morning, Zayn" as if he's gonna reply. Like, wtf! You don't really have to trend EVERYTHING they tweeted!

Gosh, what have I got myself involved with??!

I admit, I AM a fan of One Direction. I think I am a Directioner, but I never get involved with these crazy fan actions by trending stupid things. I think I'm running out of respect to all the Directioners. They have become like Beliebers, the WWTT is full with their craps....and I HATE Beliebers, TBH. Just, don't let me hate Directioners, please. No, I'm not saying I hate One Direction, never! It's just....I think sometimes, sooner or later, I'll hate the fans of 1D because of this. I know they're just showing their support, but.... This isn't the right way to do it. It's just annoying! *SMH* >.<  

Oh BTW, look at my new Twitter background...



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