
Well, I know some of you who always "begged" me to reveal the 'not-so-juicy' details regarding my exam results. I wasn't ready then. But now I am. And let me tell you.. I'm gonna do this once & for all. Ok?

*click on the photos for a better view*

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

I'm posting my results not because I wanted to show off or anything like that. I'm doing this for a good cause. I want the people who got not-so-good result in SPM to know that eventhough they didn't get straight As, they can still get good results in college/university... Well, you can take me as an example. My SPM result sucked so bad. But I didn't give up. I never did. All I wanted was to make my parents proud. And although they never said it, I knew my parents are proud of me.. :')


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