
Sleeperstar is the name of a band who originated from Dallas, TX. They're sort of new & indie & SO underrated. Their song, "I Was Wrong" was featured on the CW hit series, The Vampire Diaries, S02E08 entitled "Rose". The song was used as the background music for probably the most heart-breaking scene in the entire series, where Damon said, "I love you, Elena. And it's because I love you that...I can't be selfish with you.." and then he wiped off Elena's memory so that she won't remember what he told her. Damon cried. And my heart broke to pieces. But I'm not gonna talk about TVD, but to talk about the band, Sleeperstar. Well, two days ago, a Twitter account 'mentioned' me. It was the band! YES, SLEEPERSTAR TWEETED MEH I WAS SO HAPPY BEYOND WORDS!!!!!111! One of my favourite bands tweeted me. It was the best feeling evah! ;D

I think Sleeperstar are a bunch of stalkers pretending they were in a band. Why? Because I NEVER mentioned them on Twitter. And by mentioned, I mean tweeted them. You know, @Sleeperstar. (People with a twitter won't need an explanation. Kthx.) I just typed their name during my #nowplaying routine. Tup, tup, they tweeted me. That is why I called them stalkers. lol.

And our conversation didn't finish there. It continued on the next day. (I really can't help being a fangirl.. As I really, really like this band...)

I think it was Chris Pearson, the vocalist who replied to me. And if it was him, allow me to fangirl over him for awhile. OMG!!!!! CHRIS, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE A HP FREAK LIKE ME TOO, OMG, LET ME LOVE YOU!!!!! Ok.

CP! CP! That's Chris Pearson!!!! Squuuueeeee~~~!!

If you're wondering why I couldn't help but fangirling too much over CP, perhaps you wanna see this video..



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