It's Over. And Thank You.

"What's over?" you asked. I said, "College days are overrrr...!"
(Try to sing that in "Dog Days Are Over - Flo + The Machine style, lmao!)

So... Yeah. It's true. My college life is officially over. I have finished my examinations. Semester 5 pun dah tamat. Aku pun sekarang dah balik rumah... So technically, I'm done with college. Although still ada 1 lagi sem, but hey. Itu practical training, no need to go to college dah. So now aku memang dah freeeeeee from college, yeehaaa! *happy face* xD Aku bukan benci college or anything, don't get me wrong. It's just that, I'm tired of studying. I need a rest. A rest yang longer than a semester break, know what I mean? My brain needs a rest. My brain dah worked hard enough dah sepanjang aku masuk college ni. Kalau tak, tak dapat la 3 DL. Lol no, aku tak sepatutnya riak. *kunci mulut* -.-

In this entry, I would like to thank several, or maybe plenty of people who made my 2 1/2 years in college a little worthwhile.

"When we leave this year, we won't be coming back,
No more hanging out 'cause we're on a different track,
And if you got something that you need to say,
You better say it now 'cause you don't have another day,
'Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down,
These memories are playing like a film without a sound..."

First of all, I would like to apologize and to thank ALL MY LECTURERS, dari sem 1 sampai la sem 5.. I, Syafiqa Durrani bt Abdullah Zawawi would like to say sorry for... Everything. And anything at all. I'm sorry if I did something yang buatkan Puan/Sir/Miss sakit hati or terasa. I want you to know that semua tu bukanlah something yang disengajakan. I would NEVER hurt anyone's feelings, let alone my own lecturers.. Maaf ikhlas dari hati. :) I would also like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the knowledge you 'gave' or rather, shared with me. Because of you, I managed to maintain my CGPA for every semester. Even if I say "thank you" 1654783985 million times, I know I'd never thank you enough.. Kalau ikutkan hati, nak je say thank to each and everyone of you, my dear lecturers. But apakan daya, jari ni semakin malas nak menaip... Lagipun saya tak pandai lah buat ucapan2 semua nih.. Hehehe.. ;)

Second of all, I would like to say sorry to ALL MY FRIENDS a.k.a people I know in college, directly or indirectly. I'm sorry if sepanjang persahabatan, perkenalan, 'perkongsian', etc aku ada TERsakitkan hati siapa2, TERkasar bahasa, TERkutuk, dan segala macam TER lagi lah... I want you guys to know yang I didn't mean for all of that to happen. My mouth ni kadang2 memang lantang & kasar, but hati aku baik & lembut ok, haha. :p To my classmates, thanks for all the 'knowledge sharing' thing, for all the 'inside & outside jokes'.. Thanks for all the memories we created together. It's the thing that I'll cherish forever. :) To my housemates... Imah, Mina, Atin & Kak Anis, thanks so so so much to each & everyone of you for being such a great housemate, THE BEST one could ever have... I feel so blessed to have you girls as my housemates. I will always remember things we used to do at night (watching TV & such la, jangan fikir yang bukan pulak. Haha..). I'll always remember the jokes we made, the laugh we had.. I'd never, ever forget that. :') THANKS FOR THE FRIENDSHIP.

That's all.

Wow. I really suck at making speeches or dedications. I always lost for words. It's the thing that I called "writer's block".. I hate it when that happen. I wish I was brilliant in using words, but oh well.. I am me. =__=

(PS: Lots of tears have been shed during this writing process...)


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