The Echelon Ruled Hard.

I stayed up last night just to watch MTV EMA at 4AM. Yes, 4-frickin'-AM. I didn't mind, because Mars were going to be there & win something.. The red carpet started at 3. I watched it, just to see Mars & their ridiculously fashionable style, lol. I was hyperventilating when I saw them on the red carpet. Haha! Jared was looking so fiiiiineee.. ;) Oh, btw, I watched it on the internet because... 1) the internet was being so cooperative, so the live stream didn't buffer/lag at all. 2) the TV yang kononnya "live" tu, lewat 15-20 minutes than the actual live show. 3) the live stream ada full access to the backstage, so ada interview with the stars.. Kat TV mana ada, beb.. Iklan ada la. Hampeh. Lol.

WE DID IT!!!! OHMYJARED, WE FUCKING DID IT! Mars won TWO out of three categories they were nominated in MTV EMA!!! We lost the "Best Fans" award to Lady Gaga. I admit, Little Monsters are crazier than us, the Echelon. But still, we won "Best Alternative" & "Best World Stage"..!! Our hours of voting paid off fashionably. I'm so proud of them. And ironically, they're so proud of us, because we voted our ass off for them to win. Hihi.

And this just adds to the amount of love I had for Jared Leto... :)

I love you, Thirty Seconds To Mars.


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