Best "Date" Ever.
Today was amazing. I went out for a 'date' with my BFF, Iqbal. We planned to go to Gurney, but something happened so tak jadi la lepak kat Gurney. We lepak kat QB instead. Before starting our 'activities', I went to Artiste Gallery just to find Joe Brooks' EP, "A Reason To Swim". And I found it!! I grabbed it and made the payment without thinking because I've been looking for the CD for weeks. Yaayy! ;D

Our first activity was watching a movie. We chose to watch Tower Heist. The movie was pretty awesome & funny. I love it! I'd gladly recommend it to anyone.. ;) I love Charlie's (Casey Affleck) character. Simply because he had this funny accent. :D

Our second activity is lunch at TGI Friday's. After years, we finally managed to 'afford' makan kat TGIF. :p I ordered shrimp & chicken pasta, which was sooooooo yummy. As for drinks, I ordered strawberry slush.
Doesn't it look yummylicious?? ;)
After that, we went to grab a desserts from Tutti Frutti which is located across the road. Iqbal bought a cup of it & we shared it.. Oooh, thanks, BFF! xD
That's all. I swear this was the most expensive BFF date ever.. Not that I mind, tho.. *wink*