What Did I Do?

I was on a 4-day break before the start of my final exam. And what did I do when I was at home? Studying? Sadly, no. I didn't even touch the notes I brought along with all the way from AS. That's me, if you wanna know. Memang before balik rumah cakap "I will study, I will, will, will study.." Bila kat rumah, haraammm... Nak sentuh buku pun belum tentu. ;___; I blamed nothing and no one but myself. I lost control when I found an internet connection. A home wifi makes it even harder to resist. Internet is like, my biggest weakness. Ever. But with internet, I learned a lot of things. I downloaded a lot of things, too. For examples, during the break, I managed to download 2 episodes of The Vampire Diaries & 2 episodes of The Secret Circle. Haha yeah..


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