A Productive Day.

It's Deepavali & also a holiday for all of us, including my dad, sis, bro & sis-in-law. I went home today as my exam will only starts on Oct 31st. So, we went to Carrefour to get meself a new eyewear. Freakin finally! Been wearing the same glasses for the pass 5 years. It's about time for a change. -.- And, I also got my SE W910i fixed, yayy! And I bought this as well...

After a year of not buying a book, I finally dapat beli the 5th book of TVD. :D After that, we went to Suway Carnival for a family dinner. Pizza Hut. My treat. Or so it seems. ;) Overall, today was fantastic. What more do I want other than spending some times with my beloved family? :)


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