No Longer Crushin'.

Remember the guy I told you about in my hundred previous entries, a guy whom I called Mr F? Well, I no longer am crushing on him. Yeap. The feeling’s just... Faded. Gone. I don’t know why, though. The feelings I had for him aren’t there now. Amazing, huh? I thought I would never get over him but I already have. When I told Anis about this, she said it is probably because I ‘fell’ for his face, not his personality, and so the feeling will fade faster than anything else will. I believe so. I noticed my feelings for him were fading when he was in a ‘fake’ relationship with this bitch. Although, I knew there was nothing between them, I still can feel the feeling wasn’t as strong as it was before. What amazed me was I didn’t feel jealous at all when I saw he changed his FB status from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship with .....’ Another theory was now that I’m almost finish with my college & I rarely see him since I entered semester 5, the feelings faded faster because of that. And I never thought the crush would last shorter this time, haha. It’s cool, I’m cool with it. And I think I should be proud of myself because no tears were shed during the ‘crushing’ process. ;)


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