Best Dream Ever?

I had yet another weird dream. A weird dream that involved the man of my dream. Me & my two friends (all boys) were in a car, going somewhere. I was at the back seat with.... * drum rolls* JARED LETO. No shit. He was sitting beside me, but we barely talked. I was sort of afraid of him. He was wearing his serious face & all-black outfit. And the night was so dark, so scary. A few hours (or minutes) later, we arrived at a food stall that was so silent, no sounds were made. I bought a bowl of soup with just one fish ball & it costs me RM5. (WTF!) I sat in front of Jared, who was eating "nasi tomato" with my two friends. (another WTF!) After eating, we proceed with our 'journey', but before we could make it to the car, Jared was missing. Then, I saw him brawled with a man at the back of a house. Ok, this is where the dream got interesting... I saw Jared killed the man & drained him to death. (Gruesome? I think it was sexy..) Yes, Jared was a vampire.. Yeap. Then he walked towards me & I just looked at him & didn't say a word. WHY DIDN'T I SAY A WORD WHEN HIS FANGS WERE OUT WITH THE BLOOD DRIPPING FROM HIS MOUTH, WHEN HE LOOKED SEXY THE MOST, WHYYY? T____T And we continued our journey... I sat beside him again, and again, I didn't say a word to him. Maybe I was afraid of him...?? He was a vampire and killed a man, why shouldn't I be afraid? But I shouldn't. I love bad vampires. And my two friends didn't even talk to me. We were like, in a silent movie or something, no one said anything during the whole journey. Weird? Told ya. As the car started to move, my alarm took off. FUUUUU! There goes my best dream I ever had. ;__;

Jared Leto as a vampire. Maybe I thought of him as a vampire for so long now, I got caught up in it till I dreamed of it. Ok, I don't really know what I'm saying. But, wow. He really IS a vampire. Or at least, he was... In my dreams.


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