Life Of A Student.

I am a student.
Will be graduating next year.

I am busy. Like, VERY busy. I have projects to work for. Let's start with the 'most interesting' project that we've got. ENTREPRENEURSHIP II. Yes, part 2. I thought we were so over it last semester, but no. We still have to deal with another one. GOSH, this is the most terrifying subject in the history of ever! We need to set up a REAL BUSINESS. The real deal. Unlike ETR I, this time we need to do everything by ourselves. This includes the capital aka modal for the business. FYI, we have already started the business & the business is currently running. We have received orders from the students, which is cool, btw. Now only we can feel what's it like to run a business. IT IS NOT EASY, I tell ya! Hard work is needed, as well as cooperation & leadership.

Enough about ETR II.

Let's proceed to the second project. PUBLIC SPEAKING. I'm not sure how I should feel about this subject. This subject is interesting yet so hard. Our lecturer gives us a task. We need to conduct our own 'motivation session' or event or whatever it is you want to call and presenting it to 70 students from a school. OMG! I sure am freaking out because I am one of the speakers! hfbsgatydivplmdnhegagtqjdnchhhhhhh! *freaking out, big time* So we have decided on a topic to present. This will be held after Raya.



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