Dreams or Money.
I feel like talking about football in this post.
And so I will.

Hello, to all my loyal readers (as if I have any...) ! I don't care if you're a fan or not a fan of football, I'm gonna post this entry anyway. Heh. First of all, I would like to stress out one thing. I am a MASSIVE, SUPER HUGE fan of a football club named Manchester United, and the things that I'm gonna say in this post will probably sound bias. But still, who cares. My blog, my word. ;)
K, let's talk about the latest transfers that rock the football world. Samir Nasri's move to Manchester City got my whole attention. Even Cesc Fabregas' move to Barca can't top that. I mean, WTH! I always think that footballers who joined City are after only one thing, and that is MONEY. Ka-chingg! If they said, "it was my dream to join City", they suck balls. Who would join a club that rarely win trophies?? Who would join a club that only this time qualified for the Champions League?? (I think 2011/2012 was their first in UCL, correct me if I'm wrong..) They think they can lie to us. THEY WERE WRONG! =.= True footballers join clubs that win many trophies, qualified for UCL every season & made a lot of money by just being awesome (from the ticket sales actually. Play awesome, attract many fans = many tix sales = many money. Lolz.) Or maybe they said, "I wanted to help the team to win more trophies." Dude, you can't win trophies by playing alone. It needs an entire team to win trophies. You alone CAN'T help in winning. You think you're great enough? You think when you're playing good, your other teammates will play good, too? No. Just no. Duhh.
Ok, back to Nasri. This guy is... Idk. I don't know his real motives of joining City. Based on histories & records, Arsenal are 100 times better than City, tho they don't win much trophies. But, still.. Arsenal established themselves as one of the "top guns" waaaaaay before City's 'self-proclaimed-"top gun"-whatever-shit'. I dislike City, to be honest. I hate the fact that they were spending money on top players that aren't so important to be in the team, in the hope of winning more titles, win UCL.. Like, WTF kann..? I hate the fact that they're cashing out money like it's water. And I was really disgusted by the taunts they made to their neighbouring team, which is MY fav team. I was UTTERLY DISGUSTED by it. It all started when they bought Tevez. I truly believe that Sir Alex didn't even care, let alone regret for releasing Tevez. He made the right decision by letting Tevez go, but selling him to City was not his brightest idea. It sparked the rivalry between those two teams. But I NEVER doubt any of Sir Alex's decisions. That old man knew what he was doing. Look at Tevez now, he couldn't stop whining. I believe Man United doesn't need players who have the hobby of whining, complaining & saying things that are silly and so not important. =__=
So, hey, Nasri! Why did you join City? A. You're chasing your dreams. B. You're chasing the amount of money City pours on you. I bet the answer is B. And, oh! Who gave you the right to say "the home fans aren't passionate"? That's very unprofessional of you. There is this rule in football; NEVER insult the fans.. Even if you're out from the team. Never, ever say bad things about the fans, even when you're probably right about it. I mean, maybe it's true that Arsenal's fans were losing their passion since the move of their home ground (from Highbury to Emirates), but that doesn't mean you have to slam the fans. They were there to support you when you're still playing with the team. Without them, you won't be where you are now. Respect the fans if you want them to respect you. My advice? KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT TIGHT. Kthx.
Just to be clear, I don't like Arsenal, and I don't hate them either. I respect every team in the BPL so I will never say things that might hurt some people's feelings. I, a fan of Man United have respect to other teams... I don't support players who have no respect for the fans. What Nasri said was just plain rude & unmindful. But still, he's a normal human being who made mistakes. I hope the other players will just keep their bad opinions to themselves. Not everyone wants to hear it, you know... ;)
(Ps: This blog post is written based on my opinions & the things I 'took' from my head. It has nothing to do with the people who's still alive or the people who's dead. Roflmao.)
Thx 4 reading!