Life Decision.

I want a new phone. My old one's broken. So I've been considering every options I have. And I'm having problems in making decision.
Blackberry, or iPhone?

Kalau ikutkan hati, I want an iPhone. Tapi iPhone mahal. Tengok kat Maxis & Celcom, 2-2 pun mahal. If phone murah, bulan-bulan bayar mahal. If phone mahal, bulan-bulan bayar murah. A friend of mine asked me to buy an iPhone. She nasihat me to kumpul duit a bit for an iPhone. But the problem is, I can't wait. I want a new phone ASAP. Next month, if possible. BB Bold kat Maxis murah jugak la. RM790 with 24 months contract. Apa-apa pun, I have to go to Maxis center and get more details about it. Takut if ada hidden charges. Hurm.

I'm buying a BB Bold.

Wait. But iPhone's nice too..
OMG! Not again!
I HAVE made up my mind, haven't I?
No iPhone, it's too pricey.
BB, please!

*This is probably the hardest decision I've ever made. So far.*


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