It All Ends.

Harry Potter.

I watched it yesterday with my good friend, Asfar (thanks for buying the tix days before it came out!) I have no words how to describe the movie. It was... Everything I thought it would be. HP7.2 (as I like to call it) was undoubtedly the best Harry Potter movie EVER! (It grossed approx $43.5M midnight showings, breaking the previous record of $30M set by Twilight Eclipse.) This last movie from the franchise toyed with my emotions a lot. Too heart-wrenching. I cried. Yes, I did. I cried when Snape died, I cried when Snape cried when Lily died. Confused? Me too. =__= But Severus Snape was truly a hero. As well as Minerva McGonagall. She stood up for Harry from the first to the very last. Neville Longbottom was the BAMF. He killed Nagini with the Gryffindor sword. A hero in disguise, that (grown up) kid. ;) There are scenes that I really love & scenes I really "hate".. Just cuz those scenes made me weep like a baby.

The "liked" scenes.

This is where the "Potter supporters" gladly came to defend him, protect him from those who wanted to give Harry to Voldermort.

“Piertotum Locomotor… Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries! Do your duty to the school and protect us!"


Professor McGonagall was soooooo cutee!!! ;)



She killed Bellatrix. Woohoo! Joy!

The "hated" scenes...

Tonks grabbed her husband's (Remus Lupin) hand. I swear I could hear my heart break during this scene. :'(


They both died in the battle. *crey crey*

I cried a little when Fred died & all his family members were crying besides him. It broke my heart seeing Ron cried. I cannot.. :'(

And the scene(s) that made me cried the most was/were...




"After all this time?" Dumbledore asked.


And lastly..... The ending, after the "19 years later".


PS: Albus Severus Potter was so cute, tho! :)

That's it. That's the end of it. The end of an era, the end of my childhood. I grew up with Harry Potter. Live, breathe and sing Harry Potter. To me, Harry Potter will never end. It'll always be alive in my heart. My kids will know about Harry Potter & how the books & movies changed their mother's life. I will live in my Harry Potter bubble from now on. I will never be too old for Harry Potter.

"10 years of absolute nerdism, 9 Wonderful Weasleys, 8 fantastic movies, 7 life changing Horcruxes, 6 magical Years at Hogwarts, 5 unforgettable escapes from Voldemort, 4 Founders, 3 Heroes we so adore, 2 Finales and 1 Phenomenal Series."

And oh! If you think Harry Potter sucks, this is for you...



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