A Trip To Indonesia: Day 4

Second day in Jakarta & fourth day in Indonesia. Everything went well so far, though some didn't go according to plan. But, nevermind. So today is the day where the ceremonies begin. You see, bila kahwin pakai adat orang Jawa, memang macam2 benda nak kena buat. First thing is, upacara siraman. Yeap. Pihak lelaki punya upacara siraman. It was held at the groom's room, Room 602 around 11am. (FYI, we booked the entire floor for our family.) I don't really know the significance of this ceremony. What I heard is that it is made as a cleansing process of the body and soul before the consent from parents is granted. There are 7 helpers who made the splash. The water used is the mixture of flower & the water is taken from 7 springs.

This is where the upacara siraman diadakan.

Oh, ini sebelum upacara siraman. 'Bakal' pengantin with his dad. :)

After the upacara, the parents of the groom must suapkan makanan untuk bakal pengantin lelaki. I think the significance is to remind the groom that this will be the last time his parents will suapkan makanan for him. After this dah jadi husband orang, hehe.

Selesai sudah upacara siraman. Later that evening, we went to the bride's house for another upacara. Idk what's it called, but pihak lelaki kena pergi ke rumah pihak perempuan untuk serahkan semua barang hantaran. We went there by bus that we rented for our whole rombongan. Meriah beb dalam bas! Siap ada karaoke session lagi. :) But aku tak suka la keadaan traffic kat Jakarta. Sangat 'macet' a.k.a sesak. =,= But surprisingly, we arrived there way too early. Sepatutnya arrived after Maghrib but kitorang tersampai awal. But what to do, terpaksa lah menunggu sedikit. After almost an hour of waiting, another ceremony started. This time. keluarga pihak lelaki had to sit face-to-face with keluarga pihak perempuan. This upacara was like sesi pengenalan keluarga masing2 la. Abah was chosen to be the 'wakil' of our family. So he talked a bit about our family history especially asal usul arwah Tok Wan & Ti. :) After that, baru lah makan2 dimulakan. Best weh.. Makanan banyak gilaa.. Aku ni kan pantang nampak makanan, semua nak. Yang paling best was the dessert. Yummy! xD Lepas makan, semua kaum perempuan dari pihak lelaki boleh bertemu dengan 'bakal' pengantin perempuan... Denok was so beautiful that night. :)

Upacara diakhiri dengan penyerahan barang hantaran daripada pihak perempuan kepada pihak lelaki. :) Gotta wake up early the next day. Akad nikah ceremony, y'all! Starts at 10am. :)

(to be continued...)


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