A Trip to Indonesia: Day 2

Second day in Bandung. Woke up at 7-something AM because breakfast was made ready at 7.45am & our kereta sewa supposedly be picking us up at 8.30am.

Breakfast time! :)

While waiting for the car (and driver) to arrive, we had our very own camwhoring session around the house. You an see those pics we took on my Fb. ;) The car arrived around 8.40am & our first destination in Bandung was Gn. Tangkuban Parahu. The journey was rather bumpy and spinny, simply cuz the road was like 'ular kena palu' & naik bukit, so it was cold like crazy. That explains why I wore a long-sleeved shirt. Er, not really. I wore a short-sleeved blouse WITH inner on the inside, lol. Tangkuban Parahu was sooooo freaking cold. It was nice but apa yang sengal was the penjual yang tak faham bahasa. They kept following us around, asking, or BEGGING us to buy their stuff. Like, WTF kan. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE LAH! But they won't. They couldn't Idk what was wrong with them. Pantang nampak pelancong, mula la. Dah la letak harga bapak mahal. Mana la aku berminat nak beli. You see, Abah bought a cute sweatshirt for Andra yang pada mulanya harga Rp40000 = RM15++. Pastu Abah suruh kurang. Dia kurang sikit ja, then Abah pretended cam taknak beli. Last2 tau berapa harga dia kasi? Rp15000=RM7++ Nampak sangat nipunyee~~

Our next destination was Pasar Baru. SHOPPING TIME! Lol, not really. I spent a total of 4 hours teman Mak Tam borong kain ela for her bisnes jual baju, huhu. I was her accountant (aka tukang kira duit) My job was simple, hold a calculator and convert the Rp to RM. You know what I mean? Yeah. I will ask for my commission later, lol. I managed to buy sepasang kain ela yang sangat cantik (and murah) for raya. Wee!~ After that, we went to a clothing store which was located kat tepi jalan mana tah and I bought a pair of Burberry skinny jeans. :D We went from a store to another store. Nasib baik lah our driver / tourist guide sangat patient with us. Oh, did I mention the tourist guide is pretty hot? His name is Donny Novel. :D Oh, back to the story. This time, I bought a red Burberry polo shirt. My first ever polo shirt, yaw. And.. I found soooooooo many Burberry trench coats! OMGGGG! I want one but Abah won't buy it for me. T_T Nak tau apa dia kata? "Kalau hang dapat scholarship study overseas, baru Abah beli.." ;__; Tapi betul jugak. If I buy the trench, bila masanya nak pakai? Gila nak pakai trench coat in Malaysia yang hot ni? Perghhh, gila gila. Ape pun tak boleh! LOL. So Abah won this time. Then, Abah asked the driver to go to a place yang ada kedai ala2 Al-Ikhsan, tapi khusus untuk barang2 Man United je. The shop is called Red Shop. Pergi ke shop ni pun cuz Apit pesan a Cantona shirt. That shop is awesome. Banyak sangat United shirts yang awesome. :)

Back at homestay around 8.30pm. Then Abah said his friend, Agus were coming and invite us to go for dinner. We had dinner at McDonald's near our homestay. I love that McD's restaurant? Wanna know why? They have a McCafe inside it. There's no such thing in Penang punya McD. So me & my sis cam 'jakun' sikit la, lol. We ordered Double Cheeseburger. The total was Rp130000++ and we were entitled to get free kiwi sundaes / fries / burger. We chose kiwi sundaes. Beli Rp50000++ ke atas dapat 1 benda free. Kami beli Rp100000++ ke atas, dapat dua lah kiwi sundae. Sangat cool kan? KAT MALAYSIA TAKDA PUN! =,=

(to be continued...)


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