A Trip to Indonesia: Day 1

Today was the day. Me & mi familia were going to Jakarta. Our flight was at 12pm. I woke up at 8.30am, feeling nervous and stoked at the same time. I decided to not bringing my lappy along with me. This was a family vacation. I should be internet-and-distraction free for a moment. We arrived at Penang International Airport around 10.30am. Dah habis check in semua, we received a news that our flight's been delayed for an hour. Maknanya, our flight will depart at 1.15pm. Huh. Okay. We had some lunch. Mak & Abah had lunch at the airport's canteen. 2 plates of bihun and 2 cups of syrups cost them RM10. GILA! So me, Akak & Mak Tam decided to had lunch at McD instead. I had double cheeseburger. Then dengar announcement about out flight, QZ7669. All the passengers need to go to platform 16 in order to get on the flight. My seat was beside the window, just the way I liked it. :) But nampak awan gelap. Macam nak hujan. Takut weh naik flight time hujan. Macam2 benda bermain dalam kepala. Akan terhempaskah airplane ni? Hidup aku akan jadi macam mereka2 yang dalam cerita Lost tu kah? OMG! Tidaaakkk.. :'(

Alhamdulillah, the rain wasn't that heavy. Yaayy! I slept for an hour or so to kill the boredom. Now baru menyesal tak bawa lappy. Lol. Tapi before that, sempat jugak la snap some pics. Hehehe. ;) We arrived at Soekarno-Hatta around 3.20pm (I guess, I can't really remember.) We were stuck at the airport till our bus (Prima Jasa) to Bandung arrived around 5pm. The journey to Bandung memakan masa selama 2 jam lebih. Sakit bontot weh duduk lama-lama! =,= Arrived at perhentian Prima Jasa kat Batununggal around 7pm camtu. Took 2 cabs for 5 of us to got o out booked homestay, Tubagus Homestay, Jln Tubagus Ismail, No.9, Bandung. Pergh, full address tuuh.. Hehehe. Along the way tu, nampak banyak gila McD, Pizza Hut & Dunkin' Donuts. KFC pun ada. Yang bestnya, dorang punya McD & Pizza Hut restaurants sangat la besar & cantik. Kalah semua yang ada kat Malaysia ni. Serius! We arrives at the homestay at 8-something PM. after dah kemas beg semua, we went out for dinner by just walking. Kat kawasan homestay tu banyak gila kedai makan tepi jalan, so no hal lah if nak cari makan. Anytime. We had dinner kat 1 kedai ni. Nasi goreng dia sumpah sedap hingga menjilat sudu. Belum pernah la aku makan nasi goreng biasa sesedap amni. Tapi Bandung memang terkenal dengan kesedapan nasi goreng dorang. :) I ordered "es jeruk" aka Orange Juice aka Oren Ais. Nomnomnom.

The end of 1st day in Bandung.

(To be continued..)

[ A lil bit about Indonesia. Waktu di Indonesia 1 jam lebih awal daripada Malaysia. Kalau Malaysia pukul 5pm, sana pukul 4pm. The best part is, 6pm dah gelap cam pukul 8pm kat Malaysia. Maghrib pun pukul 5.45pm camtu. Awesome kan? Malam diorang sangat panjang. Rasa macam dah pukul 11pm, padahal baru pukul 9pm waktu Indonesia. Huhuhu.]


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