
Today: One of the best day ever! everevereverever.

I added him on Fb and... He approved me! woahweeyoohoo! x) I talked with Anis about how afraid I am if he never approve my friend request. But thank God, he did. He even posted something on my wall! :) Ok. So basically, I spent a looooooooooot of time (10pm till 2-something-am) chatting with Anis regarding this crush I'm having. We also talked about her She has TWO boys. HAHA. I know what you think, but IT IS NOT LIKE WHAT YOU THINK. Only she & I know the truth. ;) Later that day, I braced myself by making the first move towards him. I started a conversation with him... And it lasted longer than I thought! :D He's a fan of Man Utd, so I decided to talk to him about our team. And it worked. God, it worked! Ha! The convo started from 2am till 4.30am, after the Man Utd v Schalke match. You see, he couldn't watch the game so he asked me to update him & I did. I told him almost every single thing that happened during the game. :) Besides that, we talked about his whereabout, his family a little bit, about his feelings about having to further his study so far away from home. And he gave an answer that made me... *ehem* fell deeper for him..? I guess..? He said, "Aku buat suma ni untuk parents aku gak la." OMG! :') Then we talked about college life, both of our college lives. He even told me a little 'more' about his college life, which I know I have no right to discuss here. It's like a secret I have to keep. :) And he also told me that he hate Math & always hate Math. DUDE! Give me the highest of fives. xD But most of our conversations revolved around football and Man United. :)

The End (for now)

PS: I actually love the fact that I always.. Always fell for guys who love Man Utd. ;D


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