Another Day Out With BFF.

It's Monday, Monday....
Gonna go out with a friend..
I've been looking forward to today, today..

I hate Rebecca Black, FYI. =,=

So! Today was the day. Went out with Iqbal. Destination? Queensbay Mall, as usual. Activities? Karaoke-ing & watching movie. What movie? Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. The movie was nice. Johnny Depp is love.. The mermaids were cool! Vampire mermaids, lol. And overall, the 4th installment is better than the previous one. The 3rd one was boring. =.=

Ooooooooooh, we're going to fly to Jakarta tomorrow... Stoked beyond words. ;) But I'm gonna miss one thing, tho. The internet. Not sure if I'll be able to go online. :/ Gonna miss someone while I'm there.


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