The Day I Turned 20.

April 16th, 2011 marked the day I left my "teenage" years behind, and entered a new 'era', the 20s. That sounds so bad, lol. Btw, I went home right after I've finished my EC test. The journey from AS to Penang was so boring. Mostly because I don't have my Walkman phone with me. T_T Arrived in Penang at 7. Family (excluding parents) picked me up at the bus station and we went straight to Domino's Pizza. Woot! It's been years since I had pizzas from Domino's. So glad my bro decided to take us there. :) Guess Andra was the happiest person. Why? Cuz he got to eat pizza for the first time. HAHA. Yeah, he's a 10-month-old toddler who already had pizza. He's awesome like that. ;D

While waiting for the pizza...

Pizza's here!


This cake is freaking delicious! :)

The boy is happy... :D

After that, we went to Sunway Carnival Mall. Akak bought me a super cute mug from Hinode Shop. Will post the pic of it later. And she also bought me a shirt from F.O.S. "Buy 3 for RM23". TAKKAN NAK TENGOK JE KOT?? lmao! xD Then we bought KFC's Cnack Plate & Chicken Chop for our beloved parents at home. Before we go home, I bought a slice of my most favourite cake in the universe.....


This could be the greatest birthday of all time.


Ora_Adzlin said…
happy birthday ieka !!! welcome to the 20's :D
haneul. said…
Thanks, Kak Lin! :)

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